
Discussion autour du livre : Equity for Women in science
Le CIRST vous invite à une discussion autour du livre : Equity for Women in Science. Dismantling Systemic Barriers to Advancement (par Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivière), publié aux Harvard University Press (2023).
En présence du coauteur Vincent Larivière et de Catherine Beaudry (Polytechnique Montréal) à titre de commentatrice.
À propos du livre
The first large-scale empirical analysis of the gender gap in science, showing how the structure of scientific labor and rewards—publications, citations, funding—systematically obstructs women’s career advancement.
If current trends continue, women and men will be equally represented in the field of biology in 2069. In physics, math, and engineering, women should not expect to reach parity for more than a century. The gender gap in science and technology is narrowing, but at a decidedly unimpressive pace. And even if parity is achievable, what about equity? [...]