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Conférence ''Between social justice and social harm: Digital vigilantism and contemporary visibility''

mardi 30 octobre 2018
Université du Québec à Montréal, pavillon Thérèse-Casgrain, local W-5215



Daniel Trottier, professeur au Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication, Erasmus University


Tracey Lauriault (Carleton University)

Fenwick McKelvey (Concordia University)

Romuald Jamet (INRS-UCS)


Citizens rely on digital media to denounce others. By seeking their own form of criminal justice, they challenge the monopolisation of violence by states. Yet this form of justice-seeking often features shaming and other cultural violence that is not as clearly regulated. Digital vigilantism remains contested in terms of appropriate use, and public discourse varies based on the severity of the offence, as well as on the identities and affiliations of participants. This presentation considers a conceptually informed understanding of digital vigilantism, covering a range of recent cases in a global context in order to direct empirical analysis of how it is rendered meaningful.”

Pour télécharger en accès libre deux textes dont il sera question lors de la conférence :

Trottier, Daniel. 2018. Exploring Mediated Visibility against Transgressions, Surveillance & Society, 16(2): 170-182.

Trottier, Daniel. 2017. Trottier 2017 Digital Vigilantism as Weaponisation of Visibility, Philos. Technol., 30: 55-72.

Organisation : Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les nouveaux environnements numériques et l’intermédiation culturelle (NENIC Lab), Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie (CIRST) et Laboratoire sur la communication et le numérique (LabCMO)