ANNULÉE : Philosophy of Science and Public Acceptance of Science
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Why do people sometimes reject scientific claims? People’s views about scientific topics might be fully explained by their political or religious identities, and their knowledge about science might play no role. To challenge this conclusion, we administered two new assessments of people’s thinking about science to a demographically representative sample of the US public (N=1500), along with questions about the acceptance of evolution, climate change, and vaccines. Participants’ political and religious views predicted their acceptance of scientific claims, as did a greater understanding of the nature of science and a more mature view of how to mitigate scientific disagreements. Importantly, the positive effect of scientific thinking on acceptance held regardless of participants’ level of political ideology or level of religiosity. Increased attention to developing people’s understanding of how science works could thus mitigate resistance to scientific claims across the political and religious spectrum.
Michael Weisberg
Professeur de philosophie (Université de Pennsylvanie)
Entrée libre et gratuite. La conférence sera donnée en anglais et sera suivie par un vin d'honneur.
Cette conférence départementale est est co-organisée par le Département de philosophie de l’UQAM et le Réseau Montréalais de philosophie des sciences, en partenariat avec le CIRST. Elle sera donnée en anglais. Un vin d’honneur suivra.