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Federalism and university governance in Canada


There is increasing interest in how universities are governed, externally and internally (Austin and Jones 2016). Drawing on a comparative case study of the governance of six major Canadian universities and the literature, this article describes the impact of federal research and innovation policy and programs on universities and reflects on Ottawa's role. We suggest that the federal government participates in the external governance of universities, but in a way that differs significantly from provincial governments. Canadian federalism appears to be generally beneficial for university autonomy and examination of its operation sheds light on factors that enable universities to sustain their autonomy.


Eastman, J., Jones, G. A., Bégin‐Caouette, O., Noumi, C., Trottier, C. (2019). Federalism and university governance in Canada. Administration publique du Canada, 62 (2), 333-355.

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J. Eastman
G.A. Jones
C. Noumi
C. Trottier