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(Re)creating the Inhabited Workspace: Rematerialization Practices of Remote Work


Through the metaphor of the inhabited workspace, this chapter explores the practices of recreating the various workspaces deployed by remote workers. To do so, it draws on an exploratory qualitative study conducted in Montreal with 13 people who were already working remotely before the Covid-19 pandemic. After developing the concepts of remote work, space and materialization, the chapter explains the methodological approach in more detail. In France, since the 1980s, “teleworking” or “working from home” has been promoted by the public authorities as a way to reorganize the territory. Remote work covers a variety of experiences and trajectories. However, remote workers have one thing in common: the blurring of the boundaries between personal and professional life. The study shows that recreating an inhabitable workspace requires a combination of three boundaries: material, of course, and also temporal and virtual disconnection. These boundaries are characterized by their ephemeral and constantly renegotiated nature.


Estagnasié, C., Bonneau, C., Vasquez, C. et Vayre, É. (2022). (re)creating the inhabited workspace: Rematerialization practices of remote work. Dans É. Vayre (dir.), Digitalization of work (1e éd., p. 129-154). New York : Wiley.

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