Publications Revue non exhaustive des publications du CIRST depuis 2011
Paul-Hus, A. et Larivière, V. (2017, 11 janvier). Individuelles les sciences sociales? Et si on comptait les « remerciés »?. Découvrir, chronique Les mesures de la recherche.
- Archambault, A., Mongeon, P. et Larivière, V. (2017). On the effects of the reunification on German researchers’ publication patterns. Scientometrics, 111(1), 337-347.
- Bégin-Caouette, O., Schmidt, E.K. et Field, C.C. (2017). The perceived impact of four funding streams on academic research production in Nordic countries: the perspectives of system actors. Science and Public Policy, 44(6), 789-801.
Bélanger, S., Veilleux, S. et Tremblay, M. (2017). A Conceptual Framework on the Role of Creativity in Sustaining Continuous Innovation in New Product Development. International Journal of Product Development, 21(2/3), 190-211.
- Burns, K., Levin, A., Fowler, E., Butcher, L., Turcotte, M., Makarchuk, M., Macaluso, B., Larivière, V. et Sherman, P. (2017). The KRESCENT Program (2005-2015): An Evaluation of the State of Kidney Research Training in Canada. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 4, 1-9.
- Castro Colina, L. et Montpetit, É. (2017). The Role of Scientific Excellence in the Changing Meaning of Maize in Mexico. Review of Policy Research, 35(1), 12-30.
- Claveau, F. et Grenier, O. (2017). The Variety-of-Evidence Thesis: A Bayesian Exploration of its Surprising Failures. Synthese, 196(8), 3001-3028.
- Dias da Silva, P. et Heaton, L. (2017). Fostering digital and scientific literacy: Learning through practice. First Monday, 22(6).
Doray, P. et Manifet, C. (2017). La professionnalisation des universités par la formation continue des adultes : une comparaison Québec-France. Formation emploi, 138(2), 139-163.
- Doray, P., Groleau, A. et Lessard, C. (2017). Le paradoxe du développement de la sociologie de l’éducation au Québec. Éducation et sociétés, 40(2), 145-166.
Dussault, A.C. et Bouchard, F. (2017). A persistence enhancing propensity account of ecological function to explain ecosystem evolution. Synthese, 194(4), 1115-1145.
Gingras, Y. et Khelfaoui, M. (2017). Assessing the effect of the United States' citation advantage on the other countries' scientific impact as measured in the Web of Science (WoS) database. Scientometrics, 114(2), 517-532.
- Haskell, N., Veilleux, S. et Béliveau, D. (2017). Functionnal and Contextual Dimensions of INVs’ Alliance Partner Selection. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 14(4), 483-512.
- Jones, S. et Latzko-Toth, G. (2017). Out from the PLATO cave: uncovering the pre-Internet history of social computing. Internet Histories : Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 1-2(1), 60-69.
Klein, A. (2017). Le mythe des deux solitudes. Des relations entre les psychiatres francophones et anglophones dans le Montréal des années 1950. Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine, 34(1), 1-26.
- Larregue, J. (2017). Conservative Apostles of Objectivity and the Myth of a ''Liberal Bias'' in Science. The American Sociologist. 49(2), 312-327.
- Larregue, J. (2017). The long hard road to the doability of interdisciplinary research projects: the case of biosocial criminology. New Genetics and Society, 37(1), 21-43.
- Maria Gloria da Silva, S., Kamanzi, P.C. (2017). Evasão escolar no Ensino Secundário em Quebec (Canadá). Cadernoscenpec pesquisa e açao educacional, 7(2), 28-59.
- Mongeon, P., Smith, E., Joyal B. et Larivière, V. (2017). The Rise of the Middle Author: Investigating Collaboration and Division of Labor in Biomedical Research using Partial Alphabetical Authorship. bioRxiv.
- Montpetit, E. et Lachapelle, E. (2017). New environmental technology uptake and bias toward the status quo: The case of phytoremediation. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 7, 102-109.
- Montpetit, É. et Lachapelle, E. (2017). Policy learning, motivated scepticism, and the politics of shale gas development in British Columbia and Quebec. Policy and Society, 36(2), 195-214.
Moulin, S. (2017). Une nouvelle génération d’inégalités dans les parcours de vie? Tensions sociales et genrées. Jeunes et société, 2(2), 23-49.
- Moulin, S., Verdier, E., Doray, P., Prévost, J.G. (2017). Quantification du décrochage scolaire au Québec et en France : effets de perspective et jeux d’échelle. Sociologie et société, 49(2), 299-325.
Nane, G.F., Larivière, V. et Costas, R. (2017). Predicting the age of researchers using bibliometric data. Journal of Informetrics, 11(3), 713-729.
- Paul-Hus, A., Mongeon, P., Sainte-Marie, M. et Larivière, V. (2017). The sum of it all: Revealing collaboration patterns by combining authorship and acknowledgements. Journal of Infometrics, 11(1), 80-87.