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International research collaboration practices and outcomes: A comparative analysis of academics’ international research activities


As scientific research is increasingly the product of international collaborations, this chapter aims at examining the relationship between international research collaboration practices and outcomes in Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan, and Lithuania. Relying upon the theory of scientific and technical human capital, and proceeding to correlations and logistic and multiple regressions, findings suggest that collaboration practices and outcomes are correlated but the strength of the relationship is weak. Findings also point to the influence of degrees being obtained abroad, with institutional incentives and international funding on both research collaboration practices and outcomes.


Bégin-Caouette, O., Aarrevaara, T., Rose, A.-L. et Arimoto, A. (2023). International research collaboration practices and outcomes: A comparative analysis of academics’ international research activities. Dans A. Çalıkoğlu, G. A. Jones et Y. Kim (dir.), Internationalization and the academic profession: Comparative perspectives (p. 191-215). Cham : Springer International Publishing.

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