Publications Revue non exhaustive des publications du CIRST depuis 2011
- Karasti, H., Millerand, F., Hine, C.M. et Bowker, G.C. (2016). Knowledge infrastructures: Part III. Science & Technology Studies, 29(3), 2-9.
- Karasti, H., Millerand, F., Hine, C.M. et Bowker, G.C. (2016). Knowledge infrastructures: Part IV. Science & Technology Studies, 29(4), 2-9.
- Larivière, V., Desrochers, N., Macaluso, B., Mongeon, P., Paul-Hus, A. et Sugimoto, C.R. (2016). Contributorship and division of labor in knowledge production. Social Studies of Science, 46(3), 417-435.
- Larivière, V., Macaluso, B. et al. (2016). Is Science Built on the Shoulders of Women? A Study of Gender Differences in Contributorship. Academic Medecine, 91(8), 1136-1142.
- Leduc, C. (2016). L’autonomie épistémologique de l’analogie chez Leibniz. Les études philosophiques, 163(3), 337-356.
- Marion, M. (2016). Lessons from Lewis Carroll’s Paradox of Inference. The Carrollian: The Lewis Carroll Journal, 28, 48-75
- Marion, M. et Rückert, H. (2016). Aristotle on Universal Quantification: A Study from the Point of View of Game Semantics. History and Philosophy of Logic, 37(3), 201-229.
- Méthot, P.-O. (2016). Bacterial Transformation and the Origins of Epidemics in the Interwar Period: The Epidemiological Significance of Fred Griffith’s ''Transforming Experiment''. Journal of the History of Biology, 49(2), 311-358.
- Méthot, P.-O. (2016). Introduction : Les concepts de santé et de maladie en histoire et en philosophie de la médecine. Revue Phares, 16, 9-41.
- Méthot, P.-O. (2016). Writing the history of virology in the twentieth century: Discovery, disciplines, and conceptual change. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 59, 145-153.
- Méthot, P.-O. et Mason Dentinger, R. (2016). Ecology and Infection: Studying Host-Parasite Interactions at the Interface of Biology and Medicine. Journal of the History of Biology, 49(2), 231-240.
- Mirnezami, S.R., Beaudry, C. et Larivière, V. (2016). What determines researchers’ scientific impact? A case study of Quebec researchers. Science and Public Policy, 43(2), 262-274.
- Mongeon, P. et Larivière, V. (2016). Costly Collaborations: The Impact of Scientific Fraud on Co-authors’ Careers. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67(3), 535-542.
- Mongeon, P., Brodeur, C., Beaudry, C. et Larivière, V. (2016). Concentration of research funding leads to decreasing marginal returns. Research Evaluation, 25(4), 396-404.
- Montpetit, É., Rothmay Allison, C. et Engeli, I. (2016). Has Simeon's Vision Prevailed among Canadian Policy Scholars?. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 49(4), 763-785.
- Myles, D., Millerand, F. et Benoit-Barné, C. (2016). Résoudre des crimes en ligne. La contribution de citoyens au Reddit Bureau of Investigation. Réseaux, 197-198(3), 173-202.
Sergi, V. et Bonneau, C. (2016). Making mundane work visible on social media: a CCO investigation of working out loud on Twitter. Communication Research and Practice, 2(3), 378-406.
- Sugimoto, C.R. et Larivière, V. (2016). Perspectives: Giving credit where it is due. Tracking contributorship rather than authorship reveals unconscious gender and status disparities in publishing. Chemical & Engineering News, 94(35), 32-33.
- Tsou, A., Bowman, T.D., Sugimoto, T., Larivière, V. et Sugimoto, C.R. (2016). Self-presentation in scholarly profiles: Characteristics of images and perceptions of professionalism and attractiveness on academic social networking sites. First Monday, 21(4).
- Veilleux, S. et al. (2016). Factors Leading to Acceptance of and Willingness to Pay for Predictive Testing Among Chronically Ill Patients. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 16(4), 35-46.
- Veilleux, S., Haskell, N. et Béliveau, D. (2016). Opportunity recognition by international high technology start-up and growth firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 22(1-2), 126-151.
- Larivière, V. et Desrochers, N. (2015, 18 novembre). Langues et diffusion de la recherche : le cas des sciences humaines et sociales. Découvrir, chronique Les mesures de la recherche.
Larivière, V. (2015, 16 septembre). Les doctorants, ressource essentielle à la production de nouvelles connaissances. Découvrir, chronique Les mesures de la recherche.
- Larivière, V. (2015, 13 avril). Des effets positifs de l’interdisciplinarité. Découvrir, chronique Les mesures de la recherche.
- Bertin, M., Atanassova, I., Larivière, V. et Gingras, Y. (2015, 18 mars). Cartographie linguistique des références citées. Découvrir.