Publications Revue non exhaustive des publications du CIRST depuis 2011
Mongeon P., Siler P., Archambault A., Sugimoto C.R., Larivière V. (2020). Collection development in the era of big deals. College & Research Libraries.
Murray, D., Boothby, C., Zhao, H., Minik, V., Bérubé, N., Larivière, V. et Sugimoto, C. R. (2020). Exploring the personal and professional factors associated with student evaluations of tenure-track faculty. PLoS ONE, 15(6): e0233515.
Muszynski, E., Malaterre, C. (2020) A roadmap to explanatory pluralism: introduction to the topical collection The Biology of Behaviour.Synthese.
Paul-Hus, A., Mongeon, P., Sainte-Marie, P. et Larivière, V. (2020). Who are the acknowledgees? An analysis of gender and academic status. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(2), 582–598.
Prévost, J.-G. (2020). Past, present and future of Canadian statistics. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 36(2), 1-9.
Prud'homme J. (2020). Un personnage en quête de profondeur ? L’ et les métiers de l’histoire dans la presse franco-québécoise en 2019. Bulletin d’histoire politique. 29 : 54-66.
Réale, D., Khelfaoui, M., Montiglio, P.-O. et Gingras, Y. (2020). Mapping the dynamics of research networks in ecology and evolution using co-citation analysis (1975–2014). Scientometrics.
Rivest D. et Prud’homme J. (2020). Incertitude diagnostique et action politique. Une association de parents face aux politiques de l’autisme, 1982-2017.Canadian Bulletin of Medical History. 37, 2: 490-514.
Roberge, J., Senneville, M. et Morin, K. (2020). How to translate artificial intelligence? Myths and justifications in public discourse. Big Data & Society.
- Robinson-Garcia, N., Costas, R., Sugimoto, C.R., Larivière, V., Nane, T. (2020). Task specialization and its effects on research careers. eLife. 9: e60586.
Sainte-Marie, M., Mongeon, P. et Larivière, V. (2020). On the topicality and research impact of special issues. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(1), 303-319.
Shu, F., Ma, Y., Qiu, J., & Larivière, V. (2020). Classifications of science and their effects on bibliometric evaluations. Scientometrics 125(3), 2727–2744
Siler, K., Larivière, V. et Sugimoto, C.R. (2020). The Diverse Niches of Megajournals: Specialism within Generalism. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(7), 800-816.
Truc, A., Santerre, O., Gingras, Y. et Claveau, F. (2020). The interdisciplinarity of economics. SSRN Electronic Journal.
van Bellen, S. et Larivière, V. (2020). The ecosystem of peatland research: a bibliometric analysis. Mires and Peat, 26(15).
Waltman, L. et Larivière, V. (2020). Special issue on bibliographic data sources. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(1), 360-362.
Waltman, L., Larivière, V., Milojecić, S., Sugimoto, C. R. (2020). Opening science: The rebirth of a scholarly journal. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(1), 1-3.
- Larivière, V. et Haustein, S. (2019, 18 novembre). Science et médias sociaux : décoder le vrai du buzz. Découvrir, dossier Médias sociaux.
Larivière, V. et Sugimoto, C.R. (2019, 17 octobre). Des classements pour le bien commun. Découvrir, chronique Les mesures de la recherche.
- Alexandre Klein. (2020). Charlotte Tassé et Bernadette Lépine, fondatrices à part entière de l’Institut Albert-Prévost. Santé mentale au Québec. Volume 44, numéro 2, automne 2019
- Bégin-Caouette, O. (2019). Behind Quality, there is Equality: An Analysis of Scientific Capital Accumulation in Social-Democratic Welfare Regimes. Comparative and International Education / Éducation comparée et internationale, 48(1)
- Bégin-Caouette, O. (2019). The Perceived Impact of Eight Systemic Factors on Scientific Capital Accumulation. Minerva.
- Bernier, L. et Khelfaoui, M. (2019). Québec’s State-Owned Enterprises: Between Economic Nationalism and the International Economy. European Review of International Studies, 6(3), 101-124.
- Bonneau, C., Bourdeau, S. (2019). Computer-supported collaboration: Simulation-based training using LEGO. Educational Technology Research and Development, 1-21.
- Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Z., Sugimoto, C. R., Larivière, V. (2019). Follow the leader: on the relationship between leadership and scholarly impact in international collaborations. PLOS ONE, 14 (6), e0218309.